Is Your Back Pain Fake News | Back To Health PT

Are you suffering from back pain? Is your pain concentrated in that dimple in your back? Does the pain go down your leg and stop at your knee? Are you confused? It is difficult to figure out what is going on in your body when you have back pain. Every person you talk to has a different experience. Could your back pain be coming from your SI joint? What is your SI joint? Is Your Back Pain Fake News?
Author: Darlene Wooldridge
What You Will Learn
In this book (manual), you will learn about the back anatomy and be able to decipher whether your pain is actually true “back pain” or if the pain you have is coming from your SI joint (sacroiliac joint).
This is NOT a medical book! This is a layman’s manual to figure out what is going on, where to go for help and gain some day-to-day tips as well as knowledge that can help you with the terrible pain.
Did you know that you could be doing something as simple as getting in and out of your car incorrectly that may be irritating and inflaming your SI joint? Maybe it’s the way you sit? Or it may be the way you stand or sleep!
This easy to read and easy to understand short book will provide insight into the cause of your back pain.